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Destiny 2: Warmind

Destiny2: Warmind: Welcome

World Lead

Company Relations and Ramp Up

My first role in a large leadership position and it was a big one. I paired up with a team at Bungie to dig through the mass of documentation and tribal knowledge to create a useable onboarding process for the designers following behind. I was also able to put a little sparkle back in the producers' eyes by helping them create time estimates and schedules for the team.

Design, Activities, Blockout

Pairing-up with an Art Lead in a beautiful cross-discipline tag team of Worldbuilding, I set about the task of creating a high-level design and blockout for Mars. A lot of time was spent on designing out the different zones with the activities to make sure there was an even spread of content in the world. Then came the task of blocking out the destination and setting up the content to smooth out bringing on the rest of the team.

Review & Iteration

Long days of play sessions, analyzing combat encounters and layout design reviews. Working hand in hand with some of the top encounter designers at Bungie, I reviewed the destinations activities and encounters to make sure they lead the player through the space and provided an exciting, consistent experience. The level design reviews we went through were heavily focused on cover placement, sightlines and the composition of the space.

Destiny2: Warmind: List

"The excitement of getting to, not only work and learn from some FPS masters, but to also be able to create a large scale destination in their universe from scratch?! It's called Giddiness"

Destiny2: Warmind: Quote


During the project I was able to work a bit on the layout and dungeons in Glacier. It was a time to really put into practice setting up proper cover placement and sightlines to create fun, engaging encounter pockets. I also setup the views from each encounter pocket to show off other areas to explore by composing the landscape to lead the players eye to certain areas while blocking off others.

Destiny2: Warmind: Quote

Warmind was a great project where I was able to help lead and manage the world team in releasing one of the top rated Destiny DLCs.

Destiny2: Warmind: Video
Destiny2: Warmind: Pro Gallery

Additional Videos

Destiny2: Warmind: Text
Destiny 2: Warmind Launch First Mission
Destiny 2: Warmind Review
DESTINY 2: WARMIND – Full Gameplay Walkthrough / No Commentary 【FULL GAME】
Destiny2: Warmind: Videos

"This is looking really good. Lets run through it one more time."

*collective sigh

Destiny2: Warmind: Quote
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